Healthcare regulation in an online world
A smart phone on a computer keyboard, the phone screen shows the HCPC registration site.

The challenge

The HCPC website was outdated, underperforming and not mobile responsive.

HCPC needed help understanding the needs of differing user groups, technical and integration requirements, and their administrative and workflow needs.

The team needed an evidence-based solutions assessment to detail their website requirements, which platforms would best suit their needs, and the time and investment required.

An image showing a HCPC webpage.

The solution

Robust research identified HCPC's user experience, functional and technical requirements. This included engaging with over 2,000 stakeholders and analysis of existing sites' user behaviour and performance.

We developed a MoSCoW prioritised ‘significant requirements’ log with HCPC, using findings to draw up CMS comparison, and a cost breakdown structure of design, development and test work required.

Presenting our findings

Optimizely was selected as a future-proof solution that would support complex search and personalisation – a key requirement of the HCPC.

We produced an options paper summarising all findings with an accompanying presentation deck for the HCPC project board. We presented these in collaboration with the HCPC project team to secure budget for the next project tender phase.

The next phase

Off the back of the requirements gathering project, we were awarded the competitive contract for the website design and build. From here, we undertook the UX and design work, building on the wealth of research and insights we had already uncovered.

We conducted UX lab testing with key public stakeholder groups using wireframe prototypes and concept visuals to validate our solution, understand brand perception and further explore key user journeys, including search function flows and filtering.

Meeting user needs

The HCPC have a range of user groups with varying goals and needs when it comes to the website. There would be a vast amount of information on the HCPC website, but only some of which would be appropriate to registrants, members of the public and students.

Research and testing made clear the importance of navigation and search. A consistent navigation system, including effective signposting, and intuitive search functions would be critical to helping users find the content and tools relevant to them.

We designed the site structure and navigation with this in mind, enabling each group to find the content and tools most relevant to them, seamlessly and quickly on any device. This involved the creation of ‘hubs’ on the website, bringing together all of the information relevant to each group in one place, whilst signposting key user journeys and featuring topical content.

Integral to the website and critical to most user groups, was the integration of the Register, which occupied a prominent position on the homepage and in the header throughout all journeys.

Registrants are able to check their status on the register quickly and easily, members of the public are able to raise any reasonable concerns through a site journey designed to support and educate the public, and students have access to an education programme search that has been refined by user testing. 

Brand communication

The HCPC had numerous creative and photography styles across various channels. We reviewed these against our research findings before a recommended design concept for the site could be put forward. The HCPC wanted to ensure that this concept communicated their brand values effectively to the public, so we asked users in the labs to undertake a series of exercises to test their response to the design and the core values it communicated.


Following user validation, the project progressed through specification and a number of client stakeholder reviews into the build stage. We assigned a multidisciplinary team to work closely together for the project’s duration, while regular communications with the HCPC project team instilled focus, reduced blockers and ensured we were delivering to plan.   

Post live support

Following the launch of the website, we continue to support the HCPC team with an ongoing SLA-based service to optimise performance, as well as deploying ad hoc maintenance and improvement projects.

An open laptop showing HCPC's homepage.

The results

The new website received hugely positive design and usability feedback. Improved navigation and search help users find the most relevant resources.

The simplified Register search now provides signposting for related actions, such as potential public concerns.

A new concerns form helps users understand when it’s appropriate to raise matters with the HCPC, reducing complaints outside of HCPC’s remit.

Visit websiteabout The results

Tailored Information Hubs

Simple and Effective Search

Informed By Lab-based Research

“We selected 26 DX to support us during the discovery phase of our project, for their UX expertise, and their knowledge and experience in using and implementing a wide range of CMS solutions. With their support, we were able to confidently select a CMS that is cost-effective, fits our current requirements and is flexible to accommodate future changes.”

Tim Kitchener - Senior Project Manager at HCPC

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